Saturday, April 29, 2006

Watch Your Back, Shirley Temple...

Maia and I were playing in her room upstairs, while Pat and Steve Maton were downstairs watching the snooker (don't ask.)

We had had a story or two, played with her animals and moved onto 'Doing Hair'. I bought her a metallic aqua Holiday Hairbrush ("Blue! Like the water, Mummy!") and she wanted to make use of it. So, a few twists and pulls and clips and drapy necklaces later, she announced that she would like to put on her Princess Pink Maia dress and go downstairs to show Pat and Steve.

I stayed upstairs to tidy up a bit. I heard her clomp clomp clomp down the stairs. Thump thump thump into the kitchen, and then

"It's SHOWTIME!" she yelled, at the top of her voice.

She proceeded to prance about, twirling and whirling to make the skirt of the PPM dress spin out. Thank goodness we don't have a sailor costume...

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