Sunday, April 23, 2006

Maia's Solution to A Clash of Engagements

We got an invitation at nursery this week to Alistair and Lewis's joint 4th birthday party. Maia ripped into the envelope and thrust me half an invite

"What does it say, Mummy?"

I read it out to her, before I realised that the party is on the 6th May, and we are leaving for Nassau on the 4th. Ah.

I explain to Maia that Alistair and Lewis are having a party, but that we will be in Nassau seeing Noonah and Alec and Papi.

"Oh." She says

"I KNOW! Lets call the airplane and tell them that we can't come on the plane yet, because we have to go to Alistair and Lewis's party! Then we can go to Nassau."

"Well, we have already bought the tickets, darling, and if we don't use them when we say we will, then they might not let us go."

"I KNOW! We can buy some more tickets!"

"Well, they have run out. So we can't get any more. I think we are going to miss this party"

Given that there was a snotty note on the bottom of the invite stating "The show starts at 12.15, so DON'T BE LATE!" I was not too distressed at the thought of missing a party that combined uptight parents with a children's entertainer, lots of sweeties and a million 3 and 4 year olds...

"I KNOW! We could take everyone to Nassau with us!"

Problem solving a la Maia

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