Tuesday, August 02, 2005


We had a barbeque last week. The weather made it more of a Sunday Lunch (ie inside) but we ate barbeque food, valiantly cooked in the cold by Pat.

In attendence were Jenni and Neil, who ventured across the Pennines for the day. CJ and Steve were oop north and dropped in. And then there was George - Maia's friend from Collegiate Montessori, who brought his parents, Sue and Simon.

George and Maia played together very well, devising a drinking game (!) which went for a good 1/2 hour. They would take a sip of drink, then run from the kitchen to the stairs and then run back and take another sip. Being toddlers drinking milk rather than rugby players drinking beer, they didn't slow down for a second.

While the adults were eating, George and Maia watched some TV and played in the front room. They had a great time, and Maia infected George with the Get Naked Bug. They stripped off and ran through to the dining room, naked as the day they were born, to waggle their bottoms then run away shrieking.

When things were winding down, Sue came through to the front room and told George that it was Time to Go. Maia, although she had loads of fun, obviously agreed.

She began explaining forcefully that It Was Time To Go. Whilst frowning.

It doesn't seem to have affected their friendship, though. She is still really excited that George will be coming to her birthday party. Although woe betide him if he outstays his welcome.

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