Thursday, August 11, 2005

I Have Seen The Future....And It Is Star-Shaped

In order that we have calm, stress-free evenings and nights, we have been trying to get Maia to do two things: Go To Bed Like A Big Girl, and Stay In Bed All Night.

We have tried encouragement. We have tried leaving her to cry. We have tried letting her into our bed in the middle of the night, and Noonah has had her in her bed. But it was getting silly. No one was getting the sleep they needed, least of all Maia.

Time for Bribery and Corruption. Every time Maia Goes To Sleep Like A Big Girl, she gets a star sticker on her star chart. Every time she Stays In Bed All Night, she gets another star, presented with fanfare and enthusiasm and lots of kisses.

When she has built up 5 stars, she gets a treat. Sometimes it is a gingerbread man after porridge in the morning, or on very special occasions, I make pancakes.

She now goes to bed like a dream, and doesn't emerge from her room until a civilised hour. What a star.

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