Thursday, July 28, 2005

eLearned Behaviour

Noonah and Maia went out on an expo-tition yesterday after school. The park was wet, so they went to Tesco and Homebase (fun fun fun!) While at Homebase, Maia was playing in a little toy house. I called up to see what time they were going to be home, so I could cook food.

Maia got on the phone and started telling me what she was up to. Suddenly, she seemed to realize that it would be much more fun to go and play rather than talk to me. So, she said

'Bye Mummy! I am just going to go and check my email!'

And off she went.

It is the spookiest feeling when they mirror back what you say. I am going to have to make sure we keep up the good work on not swearing. She would pick that up in a second.

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