Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Mission Impeccable Meets Match: Self Determination

Mission Impeccable is going ok - apart from that one (very public) failing to wear nice stuff, I have been doing pretty well. As has Maia.

Until now.

Self determination has hit, and that means she decides what she wants to wear. She really enjoys the process of selecting her clothes for the day, and if she looks somewhat eclectic, then who cares?

For example, today she went to school in a dark blue teeshirt with a picture of a monkey on the front, aqua shorts with a rather fetching seahorses print, and blue raindrop wellies. All pretty co-ordinated, but still a little odd. We have sent a change of clothes to school with her, but as Mrs Hunt seemed to be quite taken with the 'Summer Rainshower' look, I am not convinced she will come back in anything different.

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