Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Maia Says 'Knickers' to Boredom

Noonah, Maia and I went to Meadowhall on Saturday to buy some essentials for Noonah's holiday, a present for Charlie and Matthew's christening, and to return a skirt bought in haste and repented much.

Shopping with Maia is a bit of a trying experience at the moment. She is at the stage where she wants to do everything By Herself, and therefore resents general safety measures like holding hands in crowds. She is also a magpie, and will have colourful beads and knick-knacks if you don't keep a close eye.

Noonah gamely offered to look after Maia while she returned a skirt to Zara, while I ran off to do some SAS-style targeted shopping in BabyGap.

While talking to the shop assistant in Zara, Noonah bunched a bit of her long black skirt in Maia's hand and instructed her to 'Hold on'. This she did for a while. Then she got bored.

She decided to hold the skirt in her other hand...but that didn't hold any great excitement. She then decided it would be much more fun to dive under Noonah's skirt, and make a tent. Noonah figured it was as good a place as any - at least she knew where she was.

Then, bored of the SkirtTent, Maia looked up, grabbed hold of the knickers so conveniently placed within reach, and yanked.

This produced a much more satisfying result - suddenly she was the centre of attention again! Noonah swooped her out of the SkirtTent, and finished her transaction while trying to subtly rearrange her undergarments.

We are pretty used to Maia trying to get publicly naked at every opportunity, but she has never before tried to enforce it on any of us...

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