Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hannah Bannannah and the Pink Snails

Like royalty, or a sometimes benevolent tin-pot dictator, Maia dishes out the tasks of taking care of her to those around her. This weekend, the household (and therefore, Her People) included Hannah, who came to stay on Thursday night. Now, Maia already knows she likes Hannah. Hannah has a very natural way with kids - always crouches down to talk to them, and is interested in what they are doing without a hint of embarrassment or condescension.

During the day, Hannah and Maia spent some time playing in the garden...spotting spiders that jumped and deciding that snails weren't pink. Later that evening, Hannah was bestowed a rare honour. She was allowed to Read A Bedtime Story.

An honour indeed, probably of higher ranking than being allowed to accompany Maia while she pees. Maia took evident delight in the fact that Hannah really got involved with the story book (a task in itself, given Maia's insistence on a totally non-linear picture book that pretty much lists a series of animals under nigh-on arbitrary headings....'Noisy' 'Wild' 'Spotty' etc etc.) Then again, Hannah is an actress, so probably used to being asked to read odd things by people. Checkov, anyone?

Anyway, Maia enjoyed the experience so much that she tried to prolong storytime to well past the normal 20 minutes. In the end, I went in and swiftly brought proceedings to a close with a run through of Mog and Bunny. She settled down pretty quickly after that, and I hope she dreamt of pink snails.

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