Friday, April 22, 2005

Adventures with Daddy - Balls Up

When Maia was born a girl (and not a boy with an incredibly small willy)
I told anyone who would listen that My Daughter would play for England. Rugby, of course. However, things might not go the way I'd hoped.

A couple of weeks ago Maia and I were playing outside in the garden, enjoying a rare moment of Yorkshire sunshine, when she suggested we play with a football. OK, I thought, not the right shaped ball - but definately a start.

I picked up an old plastic regulation black and white football and kicked it to her.

'No Daddy' she said, pointing at a multi-coloured ball with a picture of a Fimble on it. 'I want to play with the pretty one.'

I was ever so slightly crushed, but on reflection she has yet to see a rugby ball. There is still time, Lord, still time.

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