Saturday, February 04, 2006

Pat Gets Ordained

Maia and Pat did some face-painting this afternoon. This mostly involved Pat painting a butterfly on Maia, then taking it off because it made her cheeks hurt. They agreed that face-painting shouldn't stop just because her cheeks hurt, and wouldn't Daddy like to have some face-paint too?

She was obviously feeling Most Artistic and, by the time I arrived, had created an amazing tableau of blues, yellows and reds marching across Pat's face. She immediately informed me that she was half a butterfly (all that remained was the black outline) and that Daddy was a 'Shepherd Monk'.


We think she might have meant chipmunk, but I like the idea of a Shepherd Monk better.

Patrick Seamus Francis Cull, of The Ancient Order of Those Who Washed Their Socks By Night...

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