Monday, January 30, 2006

Maia and The Monkey

When I was a kid and staying with my Dad, we all had a nemesis. Obviously, we were wonderfully behaved ANGELS, so anything rude, naughty, messy or dangerous we did was carried out by these evil twins. They were named after our backwards names, so mine was Acire (AK-ee-ray), Gen was Eveiveneg (EH-veh-nedge), Jono was Nahtanhoj (NAT-ah-noj) and Alec's was Cela (Keh-Lah).

Maia's nemesis is The Monkey.

When she is being whiney, or a ratbag or grumpy, Pat looks at her in surprise and says "Is that The Monkey?? What have you done with Maia?!?" It usually gives her an excuse to snap out of her icky mood and return to her sunny self.

Although I do fear we are setting her up for trouble in later life...

"Honestly, Ossifer, it wasn't was The Monkey"

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