Wednesday, December 08, 2004

A Ranking of SuperHeroes, According to Maia

When one is dealing with Rowly Monsters - whether they be Things that Lurk in Dark Corners or Mummy pretending - it is neccesary to have a means of defense.

Maia's method is pretty cool. She flings out her hand, palm outwards and shouts "Spiderman!" or occasionally "Batman!" and the Rowly Monsters cower, disappear, or at least burst out laughing.

At lunch last Sunday, while Maia demonstrated her technique, Jenny G noted the gender bias in this tactic. What about WonderWoman? Couldn't she help? Agreeing that Maia should have a strong female superhero to defend herself with, I have enthusiastically encouraged her to shout "WonderWoman!" when confronted with the Rowly Monster. I have little to report in the way of success.

Matters were further complicated this morning when Noonah decided that "Dangermouse!" would be a good call. Maia looked at us quizzically and said "Angelmouse?"

She is right...In the grand scale of SuperHeroes, Angelmouse is pretty far down.

Perhaps we will stick with Spiderman and Batman for the moment. At least until someone develops a proper female superhero. Maybe she objects to the whole 'saving the world in hotpants and bangles' thing that WonderWoman has got going on... Who knows.

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