Wednesday, December 15, 2004

My Birthday Strikes a High Note

It was my 28th Birthday on Monday (ack ack ack feel old!).

It was a pretty good haul this year - I got a beautiful burgandy cashmere poncho from Pat, a fabulous waterprint suitcase from Mum, Dad and Alec and a wire palm tree to sit in the fruitbowl from Maia. However, I didn't really get to open any of these myself. Maia appointed herself Chief Present Unwrapper and did a fabulous job. I suspect no-one in the house will be opening their own presents this Christmas.

However, it was when it came time for cake and candles that she really outdid herself. Drawing on her extensive experience from her own birthday, she serenaded me with a rendition of 'Happy Birthday' that was so high in the middle that only dogs and very specialized CIA/MI6 equipment could pick it up. Watch out Tiri Te Kanawa, my kid's got range like you wouldn't believe.

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