Monday, December 20, 2004

Maia Nets Some New Fans

Saturday afternoon Maia, Pat, Noonah and myself joined a Christmas friends and family get-together at Fish! in the middle of Borough Market organised by Hannah, a good friend of mine from University.

There were supposed to be 12 of us, and the table was duly laid for 12. However (as always happens at these things) more people turned up, and the atmosphere quickly got very friendly as everyone squished up and re-organised tables and chairs to make room.

Hannah instantly endeared herself to Maia by presenting her with a set of plasticine blocks and cutters. The grown-ups joined Maia in making shapes and models with great enthusiasm and creativity...which almost bordered on Taking Over. Highlights were Andrew's lobster effort and Maia's pizza for Hannah.

During the meal, Maia sat at the head of the table and behaved brilliantly, chatting to the people around her, colouring in, playing with her plasticine and purloining most of the chips meant for the top half of the table.

The plan for the lunch was that, part way through, we would all get up and swop places. This provided the perfect opportunity for Hannah's mum, Sue, to get a vicarious grandchild fix. Sue was smitten, while Hannah and her brother Dominic sent her warning, Don't-Get-Any-Ideas glances.

Later on, Dominic's gf Becky entertained Maia by taking pictures of her, and letting her take pictures of the table and herself and Mummy and Andrew and herself and Andrew's Dad and herself.

At dessert, Maia spurned apple crumble and custard to cherry-pick the blueberries, grapes and strawberries from Noonah's fruit salad while supping milk that arrived in a perfectly Maia-sized jug. Subsequently, Noonah's coffee was blacker than she normally takes it, but she didn't seem to mind too much.

Hugely full, and a little merry from the wine and good conversation, we hopped on the train to get home. Maia's enthusiasm for the tube train brought a smile to the face of our fellow passengers, and our extended trip back (cancelled train) included a taxi ride. Sharing a cab with another couple who were also going to Kings Langley was made far less awkward by the fact that Maia chatted ALL THE WAY THERE. We heard about her day, what she did last weekend (see cheetah story...) that she didn't like loud banging noises, that monkeys and lions are her favourite animals. She even gave them her bestest meercat impression.

I think a future in entertainment is beckoning...

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