Monday, October 11, 2004

New Catchphrase

We have bought Maia a tape and book set of Mog The Forgetful Cat, her first of the classic series by Judith Kerr.

In the book, Mog, a rather dim-but-lovely tabby cat, gets herself and her family into adventures and scrapes, with everything working out well in the end. However, during these adventures and scrapes, the Thomas family (owners of Mog) regularly say "Bother that cat!"

Maia thinks this is a wonderful phrase and enthusiastically joins in whenever the phrase appears in the book or tape. She is so enamored of it that she even shouts it out when book and tape are nowhere to be seen or heard. One slight problem is her inability to properly enunciate the "th" the phrase sounds somewhat ruder than it should. Bother that lisp.

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