Wednesday, September 29, 2004

*Coughsplutter* Foils Travel to Barcelona

Maia has a cold and a bit of a chest infection. As she is coughing and hacking like someone with a 50-a-day habit, I took her to the doctor yesterday evening. He told me what I already knew - that it was Not a Good Idea to take her on a plane. So, we are no longer going to Barcelona to see Pat for his birthday. However, as of this morning, he is booked on a flight to come over here for the weekend instead.

It has really brought home to me how free from artifice kids are - she is feeling rubbish and there is no hiding it. When she feels grotty, she grizzles and grumbles and groans. The flip side is, of course, that when she is grot (and snot) free, she is sunny and happy.

So, I have got a prescription to deal with the snottiness, and a Saturday afternoon painting session which may deal with the grottiness.

Might not have Spanish sunshine this weekend, but we will try and ensure a sunnier Maia.

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