Maia was invited to go trick or treating round at Isabel Berginty's house yesterday. There was a little gang...George "I am not George, I am a monster!", Isabel, who was a bat/spidergirl/witch, David (Isabel's younger brother) who was a batmonster, and Maia, who went as a pink and red witchfairy.
They were all doing fine, going from house to house and stocking up on sugary booty until...some overly enthusiastic 10 year olds jumped out at them. They had been lying face down on the pavement, and when the group approached, they jumped up and revealed their scary skeleton fronts to the group of, now terrified, 4 year olds.
The little 'uns got a bit jumpy after that, and soon after retreated to Isabel's house for bread and soup and a VAST amount of sugar.
On the way home, a little sugar crazed, Maia stated very firmly that she didn't like the bangfires and skelingtons. We assured her that there wouldn't be any more until next year.
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