Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Rock, Paper, Scissors...

I have taught Maia to play Rock, Paper, Scissors. She is pretty good, having a decent dash of sense and a long attention span. She also has a pretty strong desire to win.

We were playing in the car (verbally...'one two three ROCK!') and had a few good goes. The good thing about playing RPS with kids is that it is down to chance whether they win or not - you, as the adult, can't really throw a game. Which is good for teaching the huge bundle of ego that is a 3 year old that they can't always win.

Maia had won a few, lost a few, when we had this exchange.

'One two three...PAPER' I shouted.

Maia was quiet.

'Don't you want to play anymore, Maia?'

'Yes. I was thinking.'

'Ok, ready? one two three...'

'CAR!' she shouted, very pleased with herself, safe in the knowledge that car beats everything.

I tried to reason that Car might not beat Scissors, as they might be able to cut the tyres. Or that Rock might be able to bash it up. She was having none of it.

So there we have it. She has turned the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors into a game she can always win. The Ego has landed.

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