Thursday, November 24, 2005

The Incident Report - Supplementary Information and Conclusions.

Now it seems that Maia did poke at someone with her cutlery. George. Whose OWN Mother admits he regularly waves his cutlery around. Ha!

The Incident, as I see it.

George was waving cutlery.
George got Kassy in the head whilst waving cutlery.
Maia retaliated, on Kassy's behalf, by getting George in the head with HER cutlery.
Maia gets caught.
Maia gets told off.
I get told off!

In fact, if you look at it this way it is all because Maia was standing up for Kassy.

Therefore, ergo

Maia = SuperHero, Defender of Others, NOT Maia = Thug

therefore, ergo

I = SuperHero's Mum, NOT Mother of cutlery wielding Thuglet.


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