Sunday, April 17, 2005


I slept in with Maia last night, to comfort, administer hugs and water, and calm her down when she woke up grizzly.

Her chickenpox has reached the very itchy stage, and she was scratching at the spots. I wanted her to stop, and we had this exchange.

'Maia, darling, don't scratch'

She stopped. She started again.

'Maia, darling, don't scratch'
'I am not scratching, I am wiping.'
'Ok, well don't wipe, that is a lot like scratching'

She stopped. She started again.

'Maia, darling, don't wipe'
'I am not wiping. I am stroking'

I figured any kid that can get round the rules so well deserves to scratch/wipe/stroke her itchy chickenpox.

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