Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Chicken Pox Robs Alec of His Mojo

An unexpected consequence of Maia being a PolkaDot Princess is that, 3 days ago, she suddenly decided that Alec wasn't her favourite person anymore. She didn't feel like being tickled. She didn't want to laugh at fart jokes. In short, chickenpox stole his Mojo.

He was pretty gutted. From Godlike to 'I don't like you' in a day is a pretty steep drop. He joked that one good thing to come out of it was his removal from the post of Most Favoured Potty Person. But I don't think it was a great trade.

Now she is feeling better (but still spotty), he is in the process of being rehabilitated. Good thing too, as he is looking after Maia for 3 days all by himself in two and a half weeks.

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