Friday, December 30, 2005

Just Like Daddy

Noonah came into the loo this morning to find that Maia had peed all over the floor.

"Agggh! Maia! What happened here?"

She looked up, sheepish, and said

"I was trying to pee like Daddy. But I can't."

There then followed a discussion about how boys, like Daddy, can pee standing up, while girls, like Maia, have to sit down.

When I came downstairs a little while after the incident, Maia told me all about it. Then she proceeded to list all the boys she knew who could pee standing up - Daddy, Alec, Papi - and then all the girls she knew who had to sit down - Mummy, Noonah, Hannah. I got the impression that she thought it would be much more fun to stand.

Wait till she hears about writing names in the snow...

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