Sunday, March 20, 2005

Mummy Ain't Vidal Sassoon...Again

So, Maia needed a haircut. What she didn't need was me, weilding kitchen shears, saying 'Oh for God's sake, it can't be that hard!'

Especially after she walked around for 2 months last time with a slightly wonky fringe.

It is not so much wonky now as "textured". She has two crowns, so her hair falls forward quite far, and the 'Hair Repair Artist' who fixed the last attempt told us to pin the back bit, well...back, and the fringe would then fall forward.

Whoever invented hairclips for two year olds does not have one. Or, has never been near one. Possibly never even seen one. As soon as I got the clip clipped in, Maia took it out. Ah ha.

Time to employ the Simultanious Distraction Technique. "Ooh, look, something shiny!" while clipping in the clip, then seamlessly moving her on to something fun to do that involved lots of Not Taking the Hairclip Out.

Later on, hairclip still in place, I told her she looked lovely. In fact, I think I actually said 'Your hairclip looks so lovely, Miss Maia!' Which of course meant she took it out to have look at it.

Oh bugger it, pushing hair out her eyes gives her some exercise...

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