Monday, March 07, 2005

At The Movies

We have two huge bookcases flanking the fireplace in the front room. Tack up a white sheet, and you have a perfect movie screen. Add a comfy sofa, a duvet and a selection of snacks from the kitchen, and voila! MovieTime at 42a.

Our first screening for Maia was Finding Nemo. She found him just fabulous. The added joy of having an illicit sitting room picnic of crackers and crab dip ('I'm having fish tonight!'), while watching the action on a big screen really excited her.

So far we have shown Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Monsters Inc, The Cat in the Hat, Shrek 2... There is talk of being able to connect the cable to the projector so we could have giant tv as well, but, given the quality of the programmes she enjoys, and we are forced to endure, I think we will stick to movies. 3 foot high Tweenies, anyone?

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