Friday, January 05, 2007

BIG School

Maia has had her first taste of Big School, and so far, has not spat it out.

She is at the school directly behind the house - although we haven't yet rigged up the catapult, so have to walk down the road, round the front and to the side gates to get there.

They are breaking her in gently over the course of 3(!) weeks. Gentle for her, a bit harder on us - though it must be really hard on people who don't have flexible jobs. Anyway, she went for mornings last week, mornings up till lunch in the classroom this week, mornings plus lunch in the dining hall the week after, then all day from the middle of the month. Ugh.

She looks VERY grown up in her uniform (pics to follow) and has mastered the names of her teacher, the teaching assistant and a few of the kids.

When we left yesterday, she tried to give the teacher a kiss, but was given a hug instead. School staff can't kiss children at the school for fear of it being labeled inappropriate contact (which is understandable, but still really sad). When we left, Maia asked if that meant the teacher didn't like her, and (heartbroken) I assured her it didn't, but that things change when you get to Big School. One of those things is that teachers aren't allowed to kiss you goodbye. But they can give you a hug... She seemed to accept that as OK.

In fact, she really is taking it all in her stride. Good lass.

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