Monday, October 24, 2005

On The Dangers of Lies

We went to Sunday lunch at Strines Inn, after a lovely drive into the countryside. Maia was hungry, and to distract her from the wait, we began telling her outrageous lies about where the food came from.

We described how sausages came from the sausage tree, and how the cook had to go and pull them off the tree REALLY HARD, because the tree didn't like giving them up. We told her about the bean melon, which you have to hit with a mallet and split open before you can scoop out the baked beans. And about the chip mining in Norfolk.

This whiled away the time well, and in due course our dinners arrived and she tucked in.

After lunch we wanted to go fly the new rainbow kite that Peter and Linda bought her, but there was no wind at all. So we went to Meersbrook Park instead.

We decided to take a walk to the Walled Garden, through some woods. Maia got a bit upset while we were in the woods, insisting that there were Bears. We went and had a look in the couple of places that she thought might contain Bears and reassured her that Bears stay out of Meersbrook Park, By Order of the Park Keeper.

She seemed reassured until quite near the end of the walk. She stopped, demanded to be carried, and said "I don't want to be in the woods any more. There are Bears and Sausages in the woods."

We weren't really able to reassure her too well on that one. We were laughing too hard.

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