Sunday, January 30, 2005

Party Girl (on the Tixylix)

I would wager that our leaving party on Saturday was the most drug fuelled party ever held in the Crescent. Before Social Services are called, they were all legal - and totally neccesary. We were all suffering with VILE cold and flu symtoms that threatened to lay us low and stop all the fun.

Maia was dosed to the nines with Tixylix and Calpol, for anti-cough, anti-cold and anti-grump. All at carefully spaced medication times (for carefully spaced, read 'How about now, can she have some now? How about NOW?)

She managed to pass from one family member to another with grace and ease and happily circulated amongst the guests till she conked out around 10.30. Pretty good for a baby with a bunged up nose.

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