Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Maia Makes Sandcakes

While Mum was away in Portugal, I was making dinner for Maia and myself. Stupidly, I had decided to make something that required full attention was paid so that it didn't burn/go gungey.

So I set Maia up with a tape player (playing Mog, of course) and got on with making dinner. Maia soon tired of Mog and pottered about, keeping herself amused. She had been quiet for about 2-3 minutes when I got suspicious.

"Maia darling, whatcha doing?"

"Playing with sand"


I went thorugh to the room by the kitchen (passing an open kitchen cabinet on the way) to find Maia, the floor and a cat or two covered in flour.

Well, we have now discovered that flour doesn't make good sandcastles, but it makes a great mess!

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