Wednesday, October 27, 2004


OK, I know it is a really old one (from our Bahamas trip in March 2003) but I just rediscovered it, and damn, it's cute! So here you go..."Maia with Improvised Hat"
Posted by Hello

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Adventures with Daddy - Butt of the Joke

Maia and Pat were playing on the bed.

Pat playfully smacked her on the bottom, saying "I'm smacking your bottom! I'm smacking your bottom!"

Maia ran through to me (in the other room, folding laundry) and said "Daddy was smacking my bottom!" in a hilarious faux-outraged voice. So I said "If you don't want Daddy to smack your bottom, then go through and say 'That's not nice, Daddy. Don't smack my bottom." She did.

Pat then pinched her bottom, all the while saying "I'm pinching your bottom! I'm pinching your bottom!"

Again, Maia ran through to me. "Daddy is pinching my bottom!". So again I said "If you don't want Daddy to pinch your bottom, go through and say 'That's not nice, Daddy. Don't pinch my bottom." She did.

Then she looked at Pat sternly and said

"Kiss it. Kiss my bottom!"

Through tears of laughter, he did.

Feline Dissent

It appears that it is not just the grown-up humans in the house who have had enough of Mog.

I discovered, last night, that a suspicious liquid had soaked through the (well thumbed) pages of Mog the Forgetful Cat.

Perhaps we will have to write our own series. Suggestions on a postcard please.

Here are some to get you started...

Manky the Revengeful Cat
Scotty the Inconitnent Cat
Beckett the Avenger
Narley Harley...

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Through Gritted Teeth...



Are you sure you wouldn't like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? Or The BFG?



Definitely Mog? Not Postman Pat, or Mr Cheerful, or Giraffes Can't Dance, or Commotion in the Ocean, or Dinosaur Roar?

OK then. Here we go again..

"Once there was a cat called Mog..."

Thursday, October 14, 2004

New Boots

We bought Maia some really cool Clarks boots - little lace up desert boots in suede. She loves them, and stomps about in them quite merrily.

However, they are NOT:

Super Boots
Great Boots
Dancing Boots
Running Boots
Funky Boots
Cool Boots

or any other descriptive term you can come up with.

This is because Maia has decreed that they are Jumping Boots. To refer to them as anything else will earn you a serious telling off.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Funny Face from the Funny Farm

I got quite a shock this afternoon, picking Maia up from the Funny Farm. In order to pass the time on a grey, rainy autumn day, a box of face-paints had been produced and used to full effect.

On my arrival I was greeted by a bright pink faced Maia, with heavy blue eyebrows, looking for all the world like a rather small, PeptoBismol coloured Oompa Loompa.

I think the new Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is being filmed in Leavesden, just down the road... Off to go see if anyone from central casting is interested.

Adventures with Noona - Maia Knows Me Well

It is a sunny, clear, cool Autumn morning and Maia and I have just enjoyed an early breakfast of banana and strawberry smoothie followed by brown toast and egg. Now it is time to go to the Funny Farm. Maia mostly dresses herself, with a little help from me. She then sits happily playing with the 'talking book' (Pappy's Birthday present to her).
I tell her I am going up stairs to get dressed. She nonchalantly looks up and appraises me and says 'Put on a skirt and a stripy top and have some wine'
I do follow her orders but leave out the wine for the moment, 8am is too early even for me.

Monday, October 11, 2004

New Catchphrase

We have bought Maia a tape and book set of Mog The Forgetful Cat, her first of the classic series by Judith Kerr.

In the book, Mog, a rather dim-but-lovely tabby cat, gets herself and her family into adventures and scrapes, with everything working out well in the end. However, during these adventures and scrapes, the Thomas family (owners of Mog) regularly say "Bother that cat!"

Maia thinks this is a wonderful phrase and enthusiastically joins in whenever the phrase appears in the book or tape. She is so enamored of it that she even shouts it out when book and tape are nowhere to be seen or heard. One slight problem is her inability to properly enunciate the "th" the phrase sounds somewhat ruder than it should. Bother that lisp.