Friday, March 16, 2007

Strawberries Sweeter for Red Nose Day

Maia came home yesterday and said that she wanted to wear her strawberry suit to school today.

"Uh huh?" I said...

"It is RED NOSE DAY and we have to Not Wear School Uniform" Maia said, in a tone that held a lot of authority for such a Small Person.

I will admit being a bit wary as nothing had come from the school to say "School Uniform not required on Friday. Feel free to turn up as your favourite fruit."

Anyway, time came to get dressed this morning and I figured the safest way forward was to combine the costume with the red elements of her uniform. Therefore, if no-one else was dressed up, she could whip off the strawberry and fit right in (ish), if she fancied it.

After a red themed breakfast (mini babybels, mango and raspberry smoothie and porridge) off we went, Miss Maia in her Carfield regulation issue Red Jumper, red patterned leggings and the strawberry suit over the top. We skipped all the way to school, signing Cauliflowers Fluffy (with particular emphasis on the "Strawberries Sweeter" line).

When we got there we saw lots of dressing up. Kids, parents, teachers. Maia turned to me with an expression that read "See!"

There was a kid there with a sombrero big enough to protect several of his classmates from any passing meteor showers, a few princesses and a Spiderman or two.

Cue much exclamation/spluttering when Maia arrived. Joshua came up and said "You are a STRAWBERRY!" to which Maia replied "I KNOW!" then they ran off to go Do Stuff. Happy Red Nose Day, kiddo.

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