Thursday, February 08, 2007

Improv Queen

Maia was singing us her "Cauliflower Fluffy" song this evening at dinner.

She got through the first verse ok

"Cauliflowers fluffy and cabbages green,
strawberries sweeter than any I've seen,
beetroot red and onion white,
all grow steadily day and night
the apples are ripe the plums are red
the broad beans are sleeping in their blanketty beds!"

we all duly applauded. She beamed and said "there's more!"

And then froze. She had clearly forgotten the rest of the song.

So, she looked up at us, looking at her.

Then she looked down at her plate and said

"There's no bacon in that song, is there?"

To which we had to reply that no, there wasn't.

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