Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Maia's Magnificent Mischief

Maia and Miss Isabel Verginty had a playdate here on Sunday. They got up to some extraordinary mischief, and had a really good time.

They are at an age where they don't want to be supervised and this creates a trade-off. On the plus-side, a playdate now means being in the house with them as they play. You can even get on with Other Stuff. When they were younger, it was a much more involved process, with stories and painting and baking. Truly exhausting. On the minus side, they get up to some seriously mischievous stuff.

The bestest and most mischievous incident this week involved umbrellas, a bottle of water and a nice big space. In the living room. They were playing Rain. On the carpet.

When I yelped at them that it was raining outside and they could go outside and play with umbrellas, they said they didn't want to. They might get wet. Grrrrr.

The day was filled with giggles and mysterious stomping and thumping and crashbangs - all of which were non-harmful and enjoyable for all but moi, as I hared upstairs each time to see if anything (limbs, chunks of wall) was missing/damaged/ruined.

They wolfed down mountains of baked potato with beans peas 'n' cheese followed by white icecream with pink sauce (homemade stewed fruit, dontcha know.)

Maia is all set to go to Isabel's house on Friday afternoon for a return play. I will warn Paula to expect pleasant havoc.

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