Monday, April 30, 2007

Would a Maia By Any Other Name...

Maia has decided that she doesn't like her name at the moment. This afternoon she decided that she would like to be called Rose. This evening, Eve was the front runner... So far, so girly.

She still likes the Ani-Jo Sunshine Packington-Cull bit... but thinks that Maia "doesn't really suit her".

Have been having weird visions of tiny playground Trinnies and Suzannas telling her she needs to wear a spring palette, avoid horizontal stripes and ditch the hippy-chick name.

Anyway, not sure where it has all come from, but I am trying not to feel affronted. Hoping that by being a bit non-committal (i.e not calling her by her adopted name, whatever it turns out to be) she might come back round to being Maia again.

Either that, as she is a determined little soul, cross fingers that she sticks with names that I could possibly have chosen for her. Weird how evocative names are. Weird how much as I feel so attached to that name, even if she isn't at the moment. I remember how it felt just right when we hit on this one. We did lose our nerve at the first application for a birth certificate and omit the "Sunshine".... went back a week later and re-registered her to put it in - the name didn't feel right without it.

Ho hum. We will see. Her cartoon of choice at the moment is SpongeBob Squarepants. Maybe the kid will out do even us and give herself a really....ummm.... distinctive name.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Fringe Benefits (?)

Having tried her hand at hair chopping with Barbie, Maia decided to go one better. She is now sporting a fringe that looks like I cut it, which, lemme tell ya, is pretty bad.

We are going to have to go visit Justina and get it straightened out.

One benefit is that it isn't getting in her eyes anymore. I was patiently taken through her thought process:

"My fringe was getting in my eyes. I got some scissors and cut it, and now it isn't in my eyes anymore. "

Which is about as pure an example of KidLogic as you are going to get. Nevermind that her hairline looks like a mountain range...

Barbie Loses Some Weight

Barbie has lost a couple pounds - of hair.

Maia decided that SkinnyMinny's hair was too long. It was getting in the way when Maia played hairdresser and shampooed it in the sink ... SO she hacked it off. Barbie is now sporting what can only be described as an interesting haircut - more sk8rpunk then showgirl.

Totally unconcerned that Barbie's hair won't grow back, Miss M is toting her about by the remaining locks. I think she is a mere burst of artistic inspritation away from The Great Magic Marker Makeover. Bring it on!
