Wednesday, August 24, 2005

An Apology To My Younger, Idealistic Self

Oh my. Well, I think my younger, more idealistic self would be pretty shocked to see me with a baby in the first place.

But imagine the look on her face when she sees that my child is (as of a shopping trip this morning) clutching a doll. Or, really, A Dolly. It cries, it moves, it has a dummy, it has pink clothing...The Full Doll-Monty.

Maybe my inner idealist would be comforted by the fact that the doll that Maia chose is,

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

A Proper Book - With a Helpful Feature For Parents

I am reading Big Bang at the moment, by Simon Singh. Written by superstar science geek and author of Fermat's Last Theorem and The Code Book, Big Bang charts the development of theories on the origins of the universe - bringing in history, religion, politics, physics, maths and science. Very readable, but also quite challenging. Especially when tired.

So imagine my delight when I discovered the amazing feature at the end of Chapter One... Crib notes. At the end of each chapter, the author has put in 2 pages of clear, diagrammatic notes, which basically fill you in on all you missed/forgot/can't be arsed to read.

It is perfect!

Now, if we can get someone to do War and Peace, Lord of The Rings and Ulysses I will be the best-read Mummy in the park.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Everyone's A Critic

I was taking Maia to school this morning, when I realised that I was sans the blue thing. Pat's little ipod mini has a playlist just for Maia, with Bob the Builder, songs from Mary Poppins and other delights on it. Leaving the house without it earned me a 'tut' from the back seat.

We turned on Radio One and found ourselves confronted with a rubbish dance track.

Maia, very put out, said "This is not a Proper Song, Mummy"

So I switched over to Radio Two. You will be relieved to hear that Karen Carpenter and Coldplay sing Proper Songs.

Radio Two, down wid tha kidz. Whoda thunk it?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Three is the Magic Number

Well. Three. Wow! (and, as an aside - a year of blogging! yay me)

I decided long ago that Maia Miss M was not going to have a Gymboree 'do' for her third birthday. She was going to have a bouncy castle, a handmade cake, sandwiches in the shape of stars, music in the flowery tent, lots of friends round and hopefully a minimum of tears, spills and clowns.

We did pretty well. All my grand plans for baking, cake decorating, party bag decorating and other organised activities flew out the window as soon as I saw Maia and Charlie christen the bouncy castle. There was no way that any self-respecting three year old would choose cake decorating over Bouncing.

So we let them run feral. Well, more like managed wildness, I suppose.

I wasn't sure how PC/appropriate it was to drink at a toddler's party, so I reasoned that if anyone else said yes to wine or cava, then I could drink too. Paula and Olga (Isabel and Sofia's mothers respectively) were therefore press-ganged into having a glass of cava with me. Rock on!

In attendance were: Maia, Charlie, Isabel Verginty, Sofia, George, Alex and Adam. And mothers for all and a father or two.

About 20 minutes after arriving, Isabel Verginty and Sofia did a very impressive raid on Maia's room. Isabel emerged clutching a little red piano and a book, Sofia had garnered a doll backpack, a book and a bear. They both looked very pleased with themselves. They disappeared into the flowery tent on the lawn with Maia. When I peeked in, Maia did not seem at all put out that they had raided her room - on the contrary, she was looking at them in a proud 'I got good stuff, hey?' kind of way.

In fact, Maia was in her element. She was happy and self assured (verging on the bossy) all day. I had never seen her interact with this group before, and I wonder how much of this confidence was down to the fact that this was Her Patch, and She Was Three. Then again, I think she holds her own at School, too.

I think everyone had a good time, despite a couple of banged heads and little spats, they all got on really well.

After sarnies, cake, music, running about and A LOT of bouncing, we furnished them with party bags made out of Winnie the Pooh face flannels tied up into a little hobo sack. Each one had a goldfish bath squirter, some bath bubbles, a box of raisins and a little cake inside. They went off at about 5 ish, happy and knackered.

Maia and Charlie (who was staying later than everyone else) used some of their bath bubbles that night, as they had a joint bath. Charlie is a whizz at the squirters, but Maia still prefers Old School Splashing. It does cover a greater area...

Maia and Charlie hung out with Finding Nemo in the front room, covering each other with stickers, while Austin, Lisa, Chris F, Steve, Pat, Noonah and myself all had dinner.

Maia was so tired when it was finally time for bed, she was asleep before stories were finished.

Happy Birthday, My Most Excellent MMJ.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

I am a Domestic Goddess. Or Queen, maybe. Lady-In-Waiting? Yes.... I Am A Domestic Lady-In-Waiting.

I was going to Bake a Birthday Cake. Then I realised that this was a dreadful idea, that had potential to go very wrong. Betty Crocker trumps Nigella, so I Assembled a Birthday Cake instead.

What I did do, all by myself, was make my own icing. Hence my status as Domestic Lady-In-Waiting.

I wanted some pink on the cake, so I figured, rather than use a nasty E numbered concoction, I would mix icing and cooked, strained raspberries to get the pink.

It worked, after a fashion. I thought - by virtue of the fact that it took time, effort and a lot of raspberries, it would look pretty and natural and full of goodness. It was very tasty, but man, it was pinker than Barbie Pink. It looked as fake as anything that could possibly come out of a bottle. It was Pink.

I quickly sacked off the idea of decorating the cake with blueberries and raspberries and opted for colourful sprinkles instead. In the shape of a giant 3.

The kids loved it, and they got a little bit of fruit while eating birthday cake - and that has to count for something...

Friday, August 12, 2005

Three Wheelin'

Maia's Papi has bought a fabulous red trike for Maia's third birthday. It has sat, waiting - gleaming - in the office for a week now. We have kept it a secret, and will give it to her on Saturday. Figured it would be better to give it to her the day before her birthday, rather than on the actual day when we won't have time to take her down the park and let her go. Besides, I can't wait!

She has been really interested in other people's bikes at the park. We sat and watched the BMX-ers at Millhouses Park for ages, and she was most put out that she wasn't able to join them.

I instigated a conversation with her about what she wanted for her birthday - and she said 'A Bike' - first off, no prompting. She first said that it should be yellow, but after some subtle suggestion (What about red? Do you like red? I know, how about red?) she decided that it should be Red. With blue wheels.

Well, it doesn't have blue wheels...but here it is.

Hope to have pictures of Maia riding it as soon as - though they may be blurry. Have the feeling she will be tough to catch once she gets on.


Maia found a novel way to get down the stairs this morning. She went feet first on her belly, and slid.

She was going fast enough to get my heart in my mouth, but she seemed to have it under control. And it was obviously lots of fun, because she scrambled upstairs with the garbled excuse of fetching a dress or something, just so she could do it again coming down.

She calls it Slip-Sliding. I think this is one activity that will stay Just For Maia.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

I Have Seen The Future....And It Is Star-Shaped

In order that we have calm, stress-free evenings and nights, we have been trying to get Maia to do two things: Go To Bed Like A Big Girl, and Stay In Bed All Night.

We have tried encouragement. We have tried leaving her to cry. We have tried letting her into our bed in the middle of the night, and Noonah has had her in her bed. But it was getting silly. No one was getting the sleep they needed, least of all Maia.

Time for Bribery and Corruption. Every time Maia Goes To Sleep Like A Big Girl, she gets a star sticker on her star chart. Every time she Stays In Bed All Night, she gets another star, presented with fanfare and enthusiasm and lots of kisses.

When she has built up 5 stars, she gets a treat. Sometimes it is a gingerbread man after porridge in the morning, or on very special occasions, I make pancakes.

She now goes to bed like a dream, and doesn't emerge from her room until a civilised hour. What a star.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

And I Shall Call It....

Maia has a little bit of a lisp, which means she mispronounces stuff sometimes. It is usually very cute... blutterfly, rather than butterfly is my favourite.

Sometimes, she doesn't even bother with the real word, she just makes up her own. The most recent is the 'Rater Sater'.

'Rater sater?' I hear you cry, 'What is that?'

It is actually Noonah's personal blood pressure machine, and you know what? Given that the real word is sphygmomanometer, I think Rater Sater will stick.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


We had a barbeque last week. The weather made it more of a Sunday Lunch (ie inside) but we ate barbeque food, valiantly cooked in the cold by Pat.

In attendence were Jenni and Neil, who ventured across the Pennines for the day. CJ and Steve were oop north and dropped in. And then there was George - Maia's friend from Collegiate Montessori, who brought his parents, Sue and Simon.

George and Maia played together very well, devising a drinking game (!) which went for a good 1/2 hour. They would take a sip of drink, then run from the kitchen to the stairs and then run back and take another sip. Being toddlers drinking milk rather than rugby players drinking beer, they didn't slow down for a second.

While the adults were eating, George and Maia watched some TV and played in the front room. They had a great time, and Maia infected George with the Get Naked Bug. They stripped off and ran through to the dining room, naked as the day they were born, to waggle their bottoms then run away shrieking.

When things were winding down, Sue came through to the front room and told George that it was Time to Go. Maia, although she had loads of fun, obviously agreed.

She began explaining forcefully that It Was Time To Go. Whilst frowning.

It doesn't seem to have affected their friendship, though. She is still really excited that George will be coming to her birthday party. Although woe betide him if he outstays his welcome.