Saturday afternoon Maia, Pat, Noonah and myself joined a Christmas friends and family get-together at Fish! in the middle of Borough Market organised by Hannah, a good friend of mine from University.
There were supposed to be 12 of us, and the table was duly laid for 12. However (as always happens at these things) more people turned up, and the atmosphere quickly got very friendly as everyone squished up and re-organised tables and chairs to make room.
Hannah instantly endeared herself to Maia by presenting her with a set of plasticine blocks and cutters. The grown-ups joined Maia in making shapes and models with great enthusiasm and creativity...which almost bordered on Taking Over. Highlights were Andrew's lobster effort and Maia's pizza for Hannah.
During the meal, Maia sat at the head of the table and behaved brilliantly, chatting to the people around her, colouring in, playing with her plasticine and purloining most of the chips meant for the top half of the table.
The plan for the lunch was that, part way through, we would all get up and swop places. This provided the perfect opportunity for Hannah's mum, Sue, to get a vicarious grandchild fix. Sue was smitten, while Hannah and her brother Dominic sent her warning, Don't-Get-Any-Ideas glances.
Later on, Dominic's gf Becky entertained Maia by taking pictures of her, and letting her take pictures of the table and herself and Mummy and Andrew and herself and Andrew's Dad and herself.
At dessert, Maia spurned apple crumble and custard to cherry-pick the blueberries, grapes and strawberries from Noonah's fruit salad while supping milk that arrived in a perfectly Maia-sized jug. Subsequently, Noonah's coffee was blacker than she normally takes it, but she didn't seem to mind too much.
Hugely full, and a little merry from the wine and good conversation, we hopped on the train to get home. Maia's enthusiasm for the tube train brought a smile to the face of our fellow passengers, and our extended trip back (cancelled train) included a taxi ride. Sharing a cab with another couple who were also going to Kings Langley was made far less awkward by the fact that Maia chatted ALL THE WAY THERE. We heard about her day, what she did last weekend (see cheetah story...) that she didn't like loud banging noises, that monkeys and lions are her favourite animals. She even gave them her bestest meercat impression.
I think a future in entertainment is beckoning...
Monday, December 20, 2004
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Lewis the Horse, and It Ain't Every Day You Get Sniffed at by a Cheetah.
Pat, Maia and I went down to Covent Garden to meet up with Aunty Jellybean on Saturday afternoon. Maia loves going on trains, but was less sure about the crush of people who also decided that Covent Garden on a Saturday was a good idea. Gen instantly endeared herself to Maia by giving her a colourful, and fabulously noisy, tambourine to keep her occupied. Oddly, our reaction was slightly less keen...
After a while chatting to the various Bahamians who tipped up, we decided to go and see if we could seek out some street performers to show Maia. We found a lady singing opera very loudly, and a couple of performers who had a Charlie Chaplin/mime/balloon manipulator thing going on. She wasn't desperately impressed.
However, all that changed when we discovered the carousel. Our timing was perfect, as the last go round was coming to an end, so Pat and Maia hopped onto the first available horse, paid their pound and cheered as they started to go round. Maia waved enthusiastically each time she spun round to where I was standing, and had a great time. When they dismounted, I noticed that her horse was called Lewis. As Lewis at the Funny Farm is 'her favourite', she thought this was fabulous, and remarked on it quite a few times.
Sunday was a bit of a grey day, and as is rapidly becoming tradition, we decided to take Maia to a zoo. The (rather optimistically named) Paradise Wildlife Park in Broxbourne was our choice.
I am sure in the summertime the Paradise Wildlife Park is a pretty inviting place to be, but on a cold winter Sunday, it is actually ever-so-slightly sinister. It was very quiet, as most people were sensibly doing Inside Things. We saw a parrot display where the parrots outnumbered the audience, and at times wondered if we were the only people in there.
However, all this did mean we had no competition for the best spots to view all the animals up close and pretty personal.
There are lots of cats at PWP, lions, tigers, cheetahs, ocelots - you name it, they've got it - and they are displayed in large enclosures with glass viewing windows cut into the cage. When we came to the cheetah enclosure, two of the cats were right up against the window cleaning each other. Maia was just tall enough to stand by herself and see through the glass, and as soon as she arrived the cheetahs looked right at her, and sniffed at her through the glass. She thought this was truly wonderful.
We disturbed a bundle of meercats and showed them our bestest meercat impressions, then ruined all the good feeling generated by screeching like eagles so we could watch them scatter. We saw lions being fed ex-bunnies (full of life lessons, these trips) and got snorted at by a camel. After some hot chocolate, a ride on a fire engine and a plate of chips, it was time to go home.
On the way home, Maia decided that the lions were her favourite. Closely followed by the monkeys. And the meercats...
After a while chatting to the various Bahamians who tipped up, we decided to go and see if we could seek out some street performers to show Maia. We found a lady singing opera very loudly, and a couple of performers who had a Charlie Chaplin/mime/balloon manipulator thing going on. She wasn't desperately impressed.
However, all that changed when we discovered the carousel. Our timing was perfect, as the last go round was coming to an end, so Pat and Maia hopped onto the first available horse, paid their pound and cheered as they started to go round. Maia waved enthusiastically each time she spun round to where I was standing, and had a great time. When they dismounted, I noticed that her horse was called Lewis. As Lewis at the Funny Farm is 'her favourite', she thought this was fabulous, and remarked on it quite a few times.
Sunday was a bit of a grey day, and as is rapidly becoming tradition, we decided to take Maia to a zoo. The (rather optimistically named) Paradise Wildlife Park in Broxbourne was our choice.
I am sure in the summertime the Paradise Wildlife Park is a pretty inviting place to be, but on a cold winter Sunday, it is actually ever-so-slightly sinister. It was very quiet, as most people were sensibly doing Inside Things. We saw a parrot display where the parrots outnumbered the audience, and at times wondered if we were the only people in there.
However, all this did mean we had no competition for the best spots to view all the animals up close and pretty personal.
There are lots of cats at PWP, lions, tigers, cheetahs, ocelots - you name it, they've got it - and they are displayed in large enclosures with glass viewing windows cut into the cage. When we came to the cheetah enclosure, two of the cats were right up against the window cleaning each other. Maia was just tall enough to stand by herself and see through the glass, and as soon as she arrived the cheetahs looked right at her, and sniffed at her through the glass. She thought this was truly wonderful.
We disturbed a bundle of meercats and showed them our bestest meercat impressions, then ruined all the good feeling generated by screeching like eagles so we could watch them scatter. We saw lions being fed ex-bunnies (full of life lessons, these trips) and got snorted at by a camel. After some hot chocolate, a ride on a fire engine and a plate of chips, it was time to go home.
On the way home, Maia decided that the lions were her favourite. Closely followed by the monkeys. And the meercats...
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
My Birthday Strikes a High Note
It was my 28th Birthday on Monday (ack ack ack feel old!).
It was a pretty good haul this year - I got a beautiful burgandy cashmere poncho from Pat, a fabulous waterprint suitcase from Mum, Dad and Alec and a wire palm tree to sit in the fruitbowl from Maia. However, I didn't really get to open any of these myself. Maia appointed herself Chief Present Unwrapper and did a fabulous job. I suspect no-one in the house will be opening their own presents this Christmas.
However, it was when it came time for cake and candles that she really outdid herself. Drawing on her extensive experience from her own birthday, she serenaded me with a rendition of 'Happy Birthday' that was so high in the middle that only dogs and very specialized CIA/MI6 equipment could pick it up. Watch out Tiri Te Kanawa, my kid's got range like you wouldn't believe.
It was a pretty good haul this year - I got a beautiful burgandy cashmere poncho from Pat, a fabulous waterprint suitcase from Mum, Dad and Alec and a wire palm tree to sit in the fruitbowl from Maia. However, I didn't really get to open any of these myself. Maia appointed herself Chief Present Unwrapper and did a fabulous job. I suspect no-one in the house will be opening their own presents this Christmas.
However, it was when it came time for cake and candles that she really outdid herself. Drawing on her extensive experience from her own birthday, she serenaded me with a rendition of 'Happy Birthday' that was so high in the middle that only dogs and very specialized CIA/MI6 equipment could pick it up. Watch out Tiri Te Kanawa, my kid's got range like you wouldn't believe.
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Toot & Puddle
Mog is favourite no more. We have a new set of books that are requested time and again (and again.) Ladies and Gentlemen, a round of applause for Toot & Puddle.
Toot & Puddle are pigs who live together in Woodcock Pocket. Toot is adventurous and thrill seeking (one story sees him travel to Provence on a whim, where he finds a little place called CouCou Poche) while Puddle prefers to stay home, cook, go ice skating, walk in the woods and do home stuff. They are best friends, and the books celebrate difference and friendship.
They are beautifully drawn, sweet without being sickly and, more importantly, NOT BORING TO READ!!!
Hurrah and deepest thanks to Dr Kris and Kathy for sourcing books that can be enjoyed by parent AND child. Trust me, it is a rare feat.
Toot & Puddle are pigs who live together in Woodcock Pocket. Toot is adventurous and thrill seeking (one story sees him travel to Provence on a whim, where he finds a little place called CouCou Poche) while Puddle prefers to stay home, cook, go ice skating, walk in the woods and do home stuff. They are best friends, and the books celebrate difference and friendship.
They are beautifully drawn, sweet without being sickly and, more importantly, NOT BORING TO READ!!!
Hurrah and deepest thanks to Dr Kris and Kathy for sourcing books that can be enjoyed by parent AND child. Trust me, it is a rare feat.

With thanks to Google Images...and HarperCollins, and anyone else I have to thank to not get shouted at for copyright stuff...
Posted by Hello
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
The Ballad of Angel Mouse, by Pat
If you’re in trouble and you need a friend
Angel Mouse is just round the bend
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
If you’re having trouble when you’re trying to play
And a little boy called Louie keeps on getting in the way
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
She’s small but strong and haven’t you heard?
She growls like a tiger and flies like a bird
It’s Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
When the Rowly Monsters are out to play
Angel Mouse will chase them away
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
If supper's horrid - the worst you’ve ever seen
Angel Mouse will bring you a JellyBean
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
She’s small but strong and haven’t you heard?
She growls like a tiger and flies like a bird
It’s Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
And when it's time to have a doze
Angel Mouse will tickle your nose
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
Now you’re asleep it's time, I think
For Angel Mouse to bring me a stiff drink
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
She’s small but strong and haven’t you heard?
She growls like a tiger and flies like a bird
It’s Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
Angel Mouse is just round the bend
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
If you’re having trouble when you’re trying to play
And a little boy called Louie keeps on getting in the way
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
She’s small but strong and haven’t you heard?
She growls like a tiger and flies like a bird
It’s Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
When the Rowly Monsters are out to play
Angel Mouse will chase them away
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
If supper's horrid - the worst you’ve ever seen
Angel Mouse will bring you a JellyBean
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
She’s small but strong and haven’t you heard?
She growls like a tiger and flies like a bird
It’s Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
And when it's time to have a doze
Angel Mouse will tickle your nose
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
Now you’re asleep it's time, I think
For Angel Mouse to bring me a stiff drink
Just call Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
She’s small but strong and haven’t you heard?
She growls like a tiger and flies like a bird
It’s Angel Mouse, Angel Mouse
A Ranking of SuperHeroes, According to Maia
When one is dealing with Rowly Monsters - whether they be Things that Lurk in Dark Corners or Mummy pretending - it is neccesary to have a means of defense.
Maia's method is pretty cool. She flings out her hand, palm outwards and shouts "Spiderman!" or occasionally "Batman!" and the Rowly Monsters cower, disappear, or at least burst out laughing.
At lunch last Sunday, while Maia demonstrated her technique, Jenny G noted the gender bias in this tactic. What about WonderWoman? Couldn't she help? Agreeing that Maia should have a strong female superhero to defend herself with, I have enthusiastically encouraged her to shout "WonderWoman!" when confronted with the Rowly Monster. I have little to report in the way of success.
Matters were further complicated this morning when Noonah decided that "Dangermouse!" would be a good call. Maia looked at us quizzically and said "Angelmouse?"
She is right...In the grand scale of SuperHeroes, Angelmouse is pretty far down.
Perhaps we will stick with Spiderman and Batman for the moment. At least until someone develops a proper female superhero. Maybe she objects to the whole 'saving the world in hotpants and bangles' thing that WonderWoman has got going on... Who knows.
Maia's method is pretty cool. She flings out her hand, palm outwards and shouts "Spiderman!" or occasionally "Batman!" and the Rowly Monsters cower, disappear, or at least burst out laughing.
At lunch last Sunday, while Maia demonstrated her technique, Jenny G noted the gender bias in this tactic. What about WonderWoman? Couldn't she help? Agreeing that Maia should have a strong female superhero to defend herself with, I have enthusiastically encouraged her to shout "WonderWoman!" when confronted with the Rowly Monster. I have little to report in the way of success.
Matters were further complicated this morning when Noonah decided that "Dangermouse!" would be a good call. Maia looked at us quizzically and said "Angelmouse?"
She is right...In the grand scale of SuperHeroes, Angelmouse is pretty far down.
Perhaps we will stick with Spiderman and Batman for the moment. At least until someone develops a proper female superhero. Maybe she objects to the whole 'saving the world in hotpants and bangles' thing that WonderWoman has got going on... Who knows.
Monday, December 06, 2004
Making Choices, The Song
We were in a rush and Maia wouldn't choose which shoes to wear, Jumping Boots or Purple Butterflies. So (in an effort to distract/hurry things along) I decided to teach her the classic choosing song Eeny Meeny Miny Mo. She decided to make it a little bit more personal to her.
Her version:
Eeny Weeny Maia Mo
Catch a Tiger by the toe
If it hollers, let it go
Eeny Weeny Maia Mo
In the end, she wore the Purple Butterflies. And took the Jumping Boots with her...
Her version:
Eeny Weeny Maia Mo
Catch a Tiger by the toe
If it hollers, let it go
Eeny Weeny Maia Mo
In the end, she wore the Purple Butterflies. And took the Jumping Boots with her...
Thursday, December 02, 2004
(One In The) Eye For Fashion
Maia is becoming more willful (more? oh man...) and one way that this is being expressed is in her clothing choices.
Yesterday morning we left for the Funny Farm in:
a yellow, pink and dark blue dress (from Dr Kris and Kathy)
stripy tights of yellow, pink, blue, red, green and white
raindrop print blue welly boots,
clutching her pink, purple, white and yellow flowery handbag.
At least we know she won't get lost...
Yesterday morning we left for the Funny Farm in:
a yellow, pink and dark blue dress (from Dr Kris and Kathy)
stripy tights of yellow, pink, blue, red, green and white
raindrop print blue welly boots,
clutching her pink, purple, white and yellow flowery handbag.
At least we know she won't get lost...
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